Building a legacy of environmental, community and employee well-being
Our goal is to build a long standing organisation with sustainability at the core of our ethos. To achieve that, we will follow a multifaceted approach targeting carbon neutrality of our operations, contributing positively to surrounding communities and boosting the well-being of our employees by inviting them to constructive debate and equal engagement.
Our sustainability goals will deliver impact internally, through our operations and business practices, and externally, through our service offerings to customers.
Kiva is an incredible platform that facilitates micro-lending to projects in developing countries, from individuals around the world. We're excited to announce that since we launched our Kiva initiative in November 2022, the #peopleofdelaware have facilitated 35 loans across 18 countries, in key sectors such as agriculture, education, housing, clothing and education. These loans are matched by Delaware.
We have partnered with Ecologi, a Bristol-based platform for collective climate action. Via Ecologi's platform, we have committed to supporting a combination of short term carbon reduction projects and longer term reforestation projects, situated around the world.
Our aim is to plant the equivalent of 5 trees per employee per month and offset 4.5 tonnes of CO2 per employee per year by investing in global green projects. So far, we have successfully offset the equivalent of 800 long haul flights and planted more than 14,300 trees. -
Delaware's WeCare committe is an employee run group focused on making a difference within the wider community, outside of Delaware. Throughout 2023 the WeCare Team have facilitated various activities and initiatives to raise money for our chosen charities - Cancer Research UK, MIND and the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.