Data and Analytics

Data and Analytics

Harness the new technologies that match your growth ambitions

Data is everywhere – and it’s waiting to be used to drive the development of new business processes and disruptive new business models. Even more, data is used to power emerging machine-learning platforms that drive truly intelligent business processes with minimal input. Yet, to take full advantage of data you need analytics.

Analytics is not about the platform you choose to implement but about the business process, data definitions and an architecture that facilitates rapid changes to support business need. Your company’s ability to harness the power of data through analytics is the key to future-proof decision-making and the great differentiator of the digital age.

Why Delaware?

Many of our analytics consultants come from a functional background like Finance, Supply Chain Operations and Warehouse Management. We find it easier to teach the technical skills, functional and business knowledge is learnt from years of experience.

At Delaware we strive to be tool agnostic, we have technical skills covering the most used analytic front ends and supporting data warehouses. Our key focus is on SAP and Microsoft technologies. 

Your company’s ability to harness the power of data is the key to future-proof decision-making and the great differentiator of the digital age.

The 4 stages of leveraging data

1. Capturing

Identifying the appropriate data to track is the first step toward high-impact business intelligence.

2. Management and governance

Having the data isn’t enough; it also has to be clean, accurate and relevant. A concrete approach to data management and governance is a key step towards real insights.

3. Modeling and analytics

Raw data is useless. Structuring it in a way that meets your needs is the fast track to unlocking its secrets.

4. Consumption

In this final step, data is leveraged using data visualisation, descriptive, predictive and prescriptive approaches, enabling the development of a data-driven organisation.

Enabling technologies 

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